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Ball & Wall : Rotational Power and Expression

  • 17 Steps


This workshop is designed to teach you the fundamentals in expressing absolute rotational power in relation to simple biomechanical principles when throwing. You'll Learn: -Learn 2 Grip Variations for Powerful Throwing -Positional Isometrics to Root your Throws -Transitional Isometrics for Greater Expression -Progressive Steps to Complex Throw Sequencing for both Throwing Techniques -No Wall and No Ball Alternatives to Exercises *Includes 2 Bonus 10 Min Workouts* You'll Need: -A Light Medicine Ball Under 10lbs that can be thrown. We typically suggest using a 10"- 14" Diamater Ball -A Sturdy Wall that can handle Balls being thrown at it, or you can throw balls into open space like field or parking lot *You can Throw a Pillow if you do not have a medicine ball, this also protects less sturdy surfaces such as drywall, an RMT Club by Weckmethod can also be used in place of a Ball and Wall for open room variations of all the drills.*

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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